Nobel Prize-winning Irish poet and writer Seamus Heaney in The Linen Hall Library, Belfast, N'IrelandUna raccolta di frasi, citazioni e aforismi di Seamus Heaney che racchiudono i punti chiave della sua lirica, sempre fortemente ancorata alla realtà e ai miti della terra irlandese. La sua poetica non è riconducibile unicamente alla madrepatria, ma esplora quel sentimento universale di appartenere alla propria terra e ai propri paesaggi sia “interiori” che esteriori. Egli ci insegna che nella vita bisogna “avere le ali ai piedi” e “camminare per aria” al fine di realizzare i propri desideri. Ed è proprio la poesia quel momento di “gioia” che porta a tutto ciò.



“If poetry aIMG_20151005_221620nd the arts do anything, they can fortify your inner life, your inwardness.”



“Everything flows. Even a solid man, a pillar to himself and to his trade…”



“Stockholm, I little thought that I would ever visit it, never mind end up being welcomed to it as a guest of the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Foundation.”


black and white hidden dandelion seeds 2“My point is there’s a hidden Scotland in anyone who speaks the Northern Ireland speech. It’s a terrific complicating factor, not just in Northern Ireland, but Ireland generally.”



“The Ireland I now inhabit is one that these Irish contemporaries have helped to imagine.”


50633ec87f60bIMG_0329_large_medium“All I know is a door into the dark.”



“The fact of the matter is that the most unexpected and miraculous thing in my life was the arrival in it of poetry itself – as a vocation and an elevation almost.”


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“Poetry is always slightly mysterious, and you wonder what is your relationship to it.”


exotic-flower-pics-black-and-white“I’ve always associated the moment of writing with a moment of lift, of joy, of unexpected reward.”


beautiful_wave_picture_black_and_white_ireland“There is risk and truth to yourselves and the world before you. ”


rinning_horses_print_black_and_white_ireland“The end of art is peace.”



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“Even if the last move did not succeed, the inner command says MOVE AGAIN.”



“I have begun to think of life as a series of ripples widening out from an original center.”




“Even if the hopes you started out with are dashed, hope has to be maintained.”


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“Walk on air against your better judgement.”



“If you have the words, there’s always a chance that you’ll find the way.”